Mount Timberline

Davis, West Virginia

Today, Timberline Mountain is a popular ski area located in the Canaan Valley region of West Virginia. But before its current incarnation, it went through several iterations. Kim Williams from the Snow Sports Museum of West Virginia provides some of the ski area’s history:

“The original ski area opened in 1981 with a rope tow. It was owned and operated by David Downs and then sold to the Reichles and Herz in 1984. It closed until 1986 while the triple chair was installed. It was opened again as Timberline Four Seasons Resort, which again closed in 2019 for bankruptcy. Once the Perfect Family purchased it and closed it for another year and a half, it reopened as Timberline Mountain in December 2020. Since the area closed twice, each under different names, we considered each as a different area and hence twice lost.”

DCSki provided an in depth report describing the renaissance of Timberline under its new ownership.

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